Flexstone: Tough Enough For Toronto
Flexstone premium liquid coatings are ideal for Toronto’s winter season. When summer flees and winter rolls in, Flexstone will still be there quietly doing its job. Whether it’s a flat roof, a sundeck, a traffic coating, or a concrete walkway, Flexstone can handle Toronto’s brutal winter months.
Because Flexstone was designed with below-freezing temperatures in mind and utilized on ski-hills (because no other product was able to withstand the abuse), use in climates like that in Toronto and the entire Ontario market is highly recommended. While most waterproofing products and companies adapt their warranties and expectations in harsher climates, Flexstone embraces them, because we know it will last.
Finding a viable waterproofing membrane that will look fantastic and last a lifetime, regardless of the amount of snow-shoveling you do, was a challenge until now. Our fully CCMC approved roof and deck coatings were developed specifically for cold environments like Toronto and the Greater Toronto area.
If you have a worn-down flat roof that you are interested in converting to a green roof space, or a beaten up old vinyl deck membrane that has been faded by years of snow and sun; consider Flexstone. The premium liquid coatings can handle all that Toronto’s hot summers and cold winters can throw it’s way.